Other tropical fruits

We also offer seeds of: 

Giant granadilla: The largest of the passion fruit: 10 to 30 cm long, 7 to 15 cm in diameter, its juice (jugo de badea) is very popular. 

Cherim tree: The cherimoya tree is a maximum of ten meters high, and deciduous. The fruit of the cherimoya tree, known also under the names of custard apple and annone taste similar to apple cinnamon. 

Soursop: It is a small tree with a globular habit rarely exceeding 8 m. Its leathery, spicy-smelling leaves are elongated and a shiny dark green. Its fruit, in the shape of an elongated heart, is bristling with soft thorns. It can weigh up to three kilograms. 

Banana Passion Fruit: The fruit of this passionflower looks like a small banana with rounded ends. This very easy to grow plant tolerates cold periods (It is cultivated at high altitudes in Latin America). Its fruits have a very pleasant flavor and are used to flavor ice creams, fruit salads and juices. 

Guava: This small tree gives rise to globular, oval or pear-shaped fruits. Their green skin turns yellow when ripe. The reddish flesh is grainy and firm near the skin while the center of the fruit is juicy and filled with yellowish seeds. 

Sweet granadilla: The fruit is larger than that of the passion fruit . Unlike that of the passion fruit, the fruit of Passiflora ligularis does not wrinkle. The fruit is also significantly sweeter, and its aril is eaten fresh or processed (juice). 

Narangilla or Morelle de Quito Narangilla is a persistent subtropical plant native to South America. The fruit is spherical or slightly oval and measures approximately 6 cm. It contains four compartments separated by membranous partitions, filled with a translucent green or yellowish pulp, very juicy, tangy or acidic, the flavor of which is similar to that of pineapple and lemon. 

Tamarillo or shrub tomato: The shrub tomato comes in the form of a small perennial shrub. We offer it in two colors, red or yellow.